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our values

Amélie Campino Vincent Baccam Nix Air Solutions
Nix is a solidarity and social economy company. We cannot free ourselves from the shackles of profitability, but we can choose to reinvest our profits to improve our services, remain at the forefront of innovation, and ensure the well-being of our teams.
We are also aware of the environmental impacts of digital technology and are implementing an approach to measure our carbon footprint.
Nix is a tech company committed to European digital sovereignty. We pay particular attention to the security of our customers' data and promote collaborations with local companies to support our development.
As an employer, we want to welcome young talent in a caring corporate culture based on respect for living things. We are based in Paris (Bastille) and Avignon but we offer full remote access. Friday afternoon is free because we encourage our employees to get involved in projects that are important to them.
Nix Air Solutions - Tracking animal suivi biodiversité

our partners

La French Tech innnovation start up
Banque publique d'investissement innovation amorçage
Logo de l'entreprise FIVE FRAMES STUDIO expert dans création de contenue numérique tels que les sites web, la création de vidéo et clip, la réalisation de 3D et d'animations 3D, de motions design, logo et de composition musicalesPépinière start up Grand Avignon
Développement logiciel start up

Our team

Vincent Baccam

Co-fondateur / CTO

Etienne Bréant

Marketing / Sales

Amélie Campino

Co-fondatrice / CEO

Omar Abdul Aziz

Système embarqué

Maxime Grillon
